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International Work Placements

At DN Colleges Group, we believe that international work experience is a fantastic opportunity to develop both personal and professional skills – and it looks great on your CV!

We are committed to providing students with opportunities to gain global employability skills and an increased awareness of the value of international experiences.

These experiences allow students to broaden their horizons by travelling to one of our partners in Europe and beyond on 2-week Turing Scheme mobilities. These fully funded trips allow participants to engage in work placements with companies overseas.

Our students return with new skills, confidence and independence as well as valuable training in the very subject they are studying in college. This is a great addition to their CVs and an increase in their employability as well as being a rewarding cultural experience.


Upcoming Opportunities

Details to follow.


Level 4 Professional Cookery student Jai Brook spent 2 weeks in Perpignan, France working for a Michelin recommended restaurant called La Mignardise. The head chef was so impressed with Jai’s work and skills, he offered Jai a job working as a chef through the summer!

Jai Brook Level 4 Professional Cookery
Student Jai stands on the right with his host during an international work experience programme in France

Contact the International Team

If you’d like to speak to a member of the international team, please use the form here, or email international.team@dncolleges.ac.uk directly.

Contact: International