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Parent Ambassadors

The CU team will work with your child’s school to find parents/guardians (other relatives are welcome too!) who would like to help make CU the best that it can be for children in that school. Their role is to monitor children’s hours once per half term, where possible identify new Learning Destinations in your local area and answer other parents’ questions about CU. Ideally Parent Ambassadors will help to spread the word and promote CU in your area too.

Having Parent Ambassadors makes such a great difference, for example the children are rewarded with their certificates every half term rather than once per term. This is a voluntary role, but we reward our Parent Ambassadors with incentives such as free tickets to sports matches, free swim and skate passes and more. There is also a FREE end of year trip to the seaside for our Parent Ambassadors and their children.

We can also offer our Parent Ambassadors many educational courses including Paediatric First Aid, English, Maths and ICT for FREE.

We are always happy to welcome more Parent Ambassadors on board so if you would like to join us then please do get in touch! Simply email childrensuniversity@northlindsey.ac.uk