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Information for Businesses

We welcome any business in Scunthorpe and North and North East Lincolnshire and beyond to get involved with Children’s University. There are a few ways in which you can get your business involved:

Become a Learning Destination

If you offer after school clubs or activities for children and would like to reward them for their participation and encourage others to join in, then become a Learning Destination for north and North Lincolnshire CU!

Click here for information about becoming a learning destination.

Sponsor North and North Lincolnshire Children’s University

The North and North Lincolnshire Children’s University team staff costs are covered by DN Colleges Group. However, we rely upon funding and sponsorship to be able to offer the extra things that make Children’s University special, such as visits and our graduation extras including transport for the children, goody bags and motivational speakers.

Sponsorship from local businesses is vital to help us extend our offer and make our graduation events as meaningful and memorable as possible.  In return, we offer a highly attractive range of incentives which increase with each level of sponsorship. These are detailed on the ‘Annual sponsorship packages’ document which can be downloaded further on in this page.

We hope that we can count on your help to make this the best year yet for our members!

We would be delighted if your company would kindly agree to sponsor North and North Lincolnshire Children’s University and would be more than happy to discuss this in more detail if you have any queries. Please contact: childrensuniversity@northlindsey.ac.uk.

CU in a box

As a business you can work with us on one of our a ‘CU in a box’ projects. This will involve you working with us to develop an activity relating to your business and provide resources (or cover the costs if we source them) that children will need to complete the activity. The full activity pack and resources will be given to schools in a branded ‘CU in a box’ box with your logo on. This is a unique chance for your business to engage with schools and fulfil the requirements of social responsibilities.

If you are interested in working with us on our CU in a box project, please contact childrensuniversity@northlindsey.ac.uk.