Our business development team work with employers throughout the year. They will discuss your training and development needs, the provision available and any costs or funding support.
From one day courses to programmes delivered over several years, we can provide a range of solutions to meet employers’ needs. If you don’t see what you require on our website please contact our business development team as our website covers most of our provision but we regularly offer new programmes.
It’s important that we understand what your organisation needs to achieve – for example, culture change, improved performance, reduction in costs, improved retention – once we know what your organisations objectives are we can help you in identifying and delivering training and development to support and develop your business.
Whether it’s the private, public or third sector, most organisations face similar challenges but the key is understanding the organisation itself and focusing development on addressing specific needs.
We offer bespoke training and public courses which employers and individuals access. Contact us to book places on a course or to find out more. Our business development team can discuss your full learning and development needs and ensure we find the right provision. If we don’t deliver what you require then we will always try and sign post you to another provider.

Employer funding
As a provider we access a range of funding support for employers. Funding varies across each year dependant on regulations and availability of different types of funding. Our business development team can advise you about funding, dependant on the training you require, type of learner and your organisation.
Apprenticeships are funded through employer contributions, government funding and /or employers’ levy contributions. You could find there are no costs to using an apprenticeship for new or existing staff, apart from employment related costs such as wages; you may only have to pay 5% which could be as low as £300 spread over a few months; or if you are an employer paying the apprenticeship levy the costs of training and support could come straight from your levy.
We also have access to European Social Funding and Adult Education budget funding, to support the costs of a wide range of training courses for employers. From short courses, NVQs, units, certificates to bespoke training we have funding which can support a range of employers.