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Level 2 Certificate in Self Harm and Suicide Awareness and Prevention

This qualification is aimed at anyone seeking to improve their understanding and awareness of suicide and self-harm. The knowledge individuals will gain is not sector-specific but can be applied to a broad range of personal and professional situations.

Individuals who may find this self harm training course useful to their professional life include: teachers, mental health workers, crisis helpline volunteers, support workers, individuals in a safeguarding role, parents or guardians, and others working with individuals who may be at increased risk of self-harm or suicide.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 2

  • Delivery

    Distance / Online

  • Duration

    8 to 12 weeks on average

Apply or Enquire

Unit 1: Introduction to suicide and self-harm awareness

  • Section 1: Understand what is meant by self-harm and suicide
  • Section 2: Understand the triggers which might cause someone to self-harm or attempt suicide
  • Section 3: Understand media and societal attitudes to self-harm and suicide

Unit 2: Recognising the signs of suicide and self-harm in individuals

  • Section 1: Signs, thoughts, feelings and behaviour
  • Section 2: Understand how to initially approach someone who may be self-harming or considering suicide

Unit 3: The principles of suicide and self-harm prevention

  • Section 1: Understand the role of conversation in the prevention of self-harm and suicide
  • Section 2: Understand the importance of family and friend support in the prevention of self-harm and suicide
  • Section 3: Know support and treatment options available to individuals and families in relation to self-harm and suicide

Unit 4: Support for individuals when dealing with grief after suicide

  • Section 1: Understand the role of suicide prevention campaigns
  • Section 2: Understand the importance of encouraging healthy coping strategies
  • Section 3: Understanding grief following suicide and the impact it can have on individuals
  • Section 4: Understand the reach of grief following suicide
  • Section 5: Understand the importance of support for those affected by grief following suicide

Learning Method(s)

Online materials
Online assessment

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


We do not currently have fee information available for this course. Please contact us for further information.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an application or enquiry about this course.


Apply online Make an enquiry Call 01724 281 111