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Level 3 Diploma Professional Cookery Advanced CG (Kitchen and Larder)

Taught in our professional kitchen, this course will help you to build on the skills you will have from working in the industry already or from the Level 2 Diploma in Professional Cookery, to become a competent and efficient chef. Using the skills you have already developed, this course will help to advance your knowledge of classical and modern cooking techniques.

Throughout the course you will also learn about food preparation, as well as develop food and beverage service skills.

Key Information

  • Course Level

    Level 3

  • Duration

    This course is 1 year, but there is an option to go on to do the Patisserie and Confectionary element of the full Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery in the 2nd year.

Apply or Enquire

• Supervisory food safety
• Supervisory skills in hospitality
• Exploring gastronomy
• Advanced skills in vegetables and vegetarian dishes
• Advanced skills and techniques in producing meat dishes
• Advanced skills and techniques in producing poultry and game dishes
• Advanced skills and techniques in producing Fish and shellfish dishes

Assessment Method

50% Theory plus theory short answer question papers
50% practical assessments
1 synoptic larder assessment practical

Ideally at least 4 GCSEs at grade 9-4 or grade A*-D, but this is subject to discussion at your interview.

A prerequisite of either a 2 Diploma in Professional Cookery or Level 2 Diploma in Culinary Skills.

If you have had experience working in the catering industry and can demonstrate a reasonable amount of knowledge and culinary skills, then you will be considered for this course, this too will be discussed at the interview stage.

Financial Support

Depending on your situation, you may be able to access a range of financial support available.

Course Fees


If this is your first level 3 course then it will be funded, however if it is not your first level 3 course, then may be required to apply for a student loan to fund the course fees.


Apply or enquire about this course

Please use the following links to make an application or enquiry about this course.


Apply online Make an enquiry Call 01724 281 111