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British Values

British values are the beliefs and principles that underpin British society and culture.

These values are considered an integral part of British identity and are reflected in the country’s laws, institutions, and traditions. The promotion of British values is seen as an important aspect of education in the United Kingdom, and schools and other institutions are expected to actively encourage and support these values.

The British Values


Democracy is the belief in allowing everyone to have a say in how they are governed.

We teach this by encouraging students to participate in class discussions and decision-making processes, and by providing opportunities for students to engage with current events and political issues.

Rule of Law

This is the idea that everyone is subject to the same laws and that those laws are fairly and consistently enforced.

We teach this by emphasising the importance of following rules and regulations, both in and out of the classroom, and by discussing real-life examples of the rule of law in action.

Individual Liberty

Individual liberty is the idea that everyone has the right to freedom and autonomy.

We teach this by encouraging students to think for themselves and make their own choices, within the boundaries of the law. This could include activities that promote critical thinking and independent learning, as well as discussions about personal responsibility and the importance of respecting others’ liberties.

Mutual Respect

A fourth British value is mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

We teach this by promoting understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures and beliefs, and by providing opportunities for students to learn from and interact with people from different backgrounds. This could include activities such as guest speakers, cultural events, and intercultural dialogue sessions.

Personal and Social Responsibility

Finally, a fifth British value is the importance of personal and social responsibility.

We teach this by encouraging students to take ownership of their own learning and to consider the impact of their actions on others. This could include activities such as community service projects, leadership development programs, and discussions about ethical decision-making.