Posted: July 1, 2024

Coronation Street Star, Coulson Smith, swapped a night on the cobbles to present deserving students from North Lindsey College with trophies at their annual awards ceremony.
During the academic year 2023/24, teaching staff nominated students who had excelled in their studies to receive awards and on the night, students were thrilled to be honoured for their dedication, hard work and academic achievement. Ten awards were presented at the event in total, recognising students from across the campus who have excelled in their programme of study.
The evening began with a vocal performance from Performing Arts student Charlotte James, who sang ‘She Used to be Mine’ from the acclaimed Broadway musical, Waitress. Charlotte’s captivating performance set a perfect tone for the event, which saw support from academic staff, parents, caregivers, governors, and the college’s senior leadership team.
One student in attendance, who was nominated for one of the awards, was joined by a very special plus one – his grandfather Stuart. In his younger years, Stuart was a Chemistry student at North Lindsey College and thanks to the FE Awards ceremony, was able to revisit the campus he once roamed as a teenager one last time; before it gets replaced by the planned new build.
All the awards were co-presented by special guest Colson Smith, who is renowned for his role as Craig Tinker on the popular ITV programme Coronation Street and now in his twelfth year of being on the soap. More recently, Colson appeared in Celebrity Big Brother and ITV’s The Games.
Colson said, “It was such a privilege to present the achievement awards at North Lindsey College and share the evening with so many exceptional people who have gone above and beyond. Congratulations to all the winners and good luck for the future.”
One parent in attendance – Michelle Hutchinson – said: “The whole evening has been lovely. I don’t think I have been to anything like this before that recognises the work of young people and staff; it’s been brilliant.”
As well as being on the receiving end, students were given the opportunity to nominate a member of staff for the ‘Staff Member of the Year’ award. This year, the award was presented to Phil Scott from the college’s Fabrication and Welding department. Phil has not only supported the students, but also local charities in the community including the main chosen charity, Lindsey Lodge Hospice. With help from students, Phil has raised more than £3,000 over the years by making and selling metal sculptures.
Phil said, “Receiving this award has made my ten years’ at North Lindsey College worthwhile and rewarding. I would like to wish all staff and students the best for the future, I will miss them all after my retirement.”