Posted: November 8, 2023

North Lindsey College opened its doors to hundreds of prospective students at their first Open Event of the academic year.
The annual event is set up to offer an introduction for those looking to discover their next move in education.
Hundreds of people were able to see for themselves the fantastic array of courses offered at the Kingsway campus. Each curriculum area demonstrated a range of activities which is an opportunity to show off the department’s skills, student work and students success stories.
Visitors were able to tour the many facilities, talk to current students, meet the staff and enjoy the activities on offer. The event saw performances created by Music and Performing Art students, sample the delights in the Catering department, visit the art department, see the construction practical demonstrations, join in with the Foundation Makaton choir, see the multi-million-pound Engineering workshops, watch hair and beauty students create an image which was fit for the races, have a cold drinks in the air cabin in Travel, Motor Vehicle workshops were a hype of practical demonstrations and much, much more.
The event received great feedback from guests and a massive thank you was delivered current students who did such a fabulous job as ambassadors and guides. Izabel Lightfoot (Event visitor) said, “The staff and students were really helpful in all the areas we visited. I particularly enjoyed the rifle shooting range which was good fun. The event was useful in helping to make my decision and I am looking to apply to the Uniformed Services course starting in September.”
Mayor and Cllr Janet Longcake was invited to attend as part of the yearly tradition and enjoyed a sample of what the College had to offer, visiting each of the curriculum areas and looking at the displays and activities taking place.
Janet said, “The College do an excellent job and I didn’t realise how many different curriculum areas there are and what they entail. Construction and the catering departments were particularly enjoyable. I have been on a plane, held a reptile, fired a rifle, had a night at the races and enjoyed performances. I have had a full night of entertainment, ten out of ten, and I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to come here.”
The next full Open Event is being held on 23rd January 2024, 4.30-7.00pm for anyone who didn’t make the event or would like another visit before making their applications.