Posted: January 23, 2023

In December we concluded our partnership with organisations in Belgium, Finland, Latvia and Italy in which we looked the role of the future VET (Vocational, Education and Training) teacher. We examined how within the different participating countries they are dealing with the increasing shortages of teachers in general and the shortage of teachers in VET in particular. You can read the results of this interesting project here .
It was particularly interesting to visit the other organisations to see first-hand how they were dealing with this situation, through meetings and peer reviews. We also received some excellent training to help with examining the topic.
Also, it was great to make new connections with other organisations and people. For each event each organisation sent two to three people, whom we have come to know very well. The penultimate event was at DN Colleges Group, our partners visited Doncaster College and North Lindsey College and met with various key staff as well as visiting classrooms and seeing the great work of our teachers and students.
Here we are having a great time with Travel & Tourism in North Lindsey and being spoilt with a wonderful afternoon tea by Catering students.