Posted: December 3, 2021

To celebrate National Tree week, North Lindsey College part of DN Colleges Group have been successful in gaining 300 trees for FREE, thanks to the UK’s largest woodland conservation charity, The Woodland Trust.
The DNCG Sustainability Group put forward their applications for the free trees via The Woodlands Trust’s website in September 2021, to help towards the groups sustainability strategy in making the campus greener, part of an ambitious whole College approach towards net-zero emissions and reduce environmental impact through innovation and collaboration.
Sarah Heseltine, Marketing Officer at North Lindsey College was instrumental in bidding for the trees. Sarah, a keen environmentalist who has worked at the College for over 5 years said: “I couldn’t be happier, these trees are going to clean the local air, attract more wildlife and going forward will provide an amazing outdoor space for staff and students.”
The trees are scheduled to be delivered in March 2022 and will be planted around the College campus. There are plans in place for the trees will be used as part of the College’s Woodland Project, which will give students vital work experience opportunities in conservation and will help them gain the skills and knowledge in landscaping, gardening, planting trees, creating animal shelters, feeding stations, and building a woodland walkway.
The purpose of this project is to create a staff and student wellbeing area where everyone can go during break times, to connect with nature in a safe and secluded environment.
Richard Lee (Estates Manager for DN Colleges Group) said: “300 trees will be fantastic for our North Lindsey campus; trees bring important benefits to the landscape and our staff and students. Not only will they help decarbonise the air for everyone they will provide beautiful areas for us to use for education. The benefits they also provide for health and wellbeing is immeasurable and we look forward to having a happy, healthy and verdant campus.”