Posted: November 23, 2021

North Lindsey College has raised the importance of road safety, holding a mock road traffic accident to demonstrate the impact of RTAs in the latest annual campaign aimed at keeping young people safe on the roads.
Road Safety Week always takes place in November and is the UK’s biggest annual road safety campaign and the College were keen to get involved. The theme of Road Safety Week 2021 was Road Safety Heroes, celebrating the heroic work of road safety professionals and explaining how everyone can all play a part in making journeys safer for everyone.
A series of events had been taking place at the College all week with one of the activities being a mock road traffic accident on the College campus. The Green Watch team from Humberside Fire and Rescue put on a display that involved a mock car crash, involving two students being cut free from a vehicle after the roof of the car was cut away and removed. The aim was to show students what happens when the emergency services have to rescue casualties from crashes and explore the issues around why the crash occurred in the first place. This year’s focus was on texting whilst driving and also drink driving.
Josh Fowler (Crew Manager from Humber Fire and Rescue) said, “We have had a good amount of young people attend the demonstration, we want to impact as many young people as possible in terms of taking responsibility and being safe on the roads. Young people are the most likely to be involved in a road traffic accident and we see the impact of this on a weekly basis.”
The Motor Vehicle students volunteered to be part of the demonstration and they were able to experience the mock car crash from inside the car. Haydon Booth (19) and Tyler Kidd (18) are both currently learning to drive and said, “The team were really considerate towards us and kept making sure we were ok in the car whilst they were working around us. Our visibility was very limited and it was very noisy. It would be really scary if you were actually in the situation for real, but the team were very confident and communicated well together, we felt we was in good hands.”
Other activities across the College also took place which also included support from Safer Roads Humber which included presentations and also Virtual Reality activities.
Kate Lonsdale (Motor Vehicle Enrichment Facilitator) was the main organiser of Road Safety Week on campus said: “It was fantastic to have Humberside Fire and Rescue and Safer Roads Humber live into College for Road Safety Week 2021. The event had a strong visual impact on the students with the important message about the dangers on the roads especially for young and learner drivers.”