Posted: May 6, 2021

The letter states signatories are coactively stepping up to the challenge of climate change by supporting a three-point plan this involves; mobilising resources of action orientated climate research and skills creation, pledging to reach net zero by 2050 but halving carbon submissions by 2030 and thirdly increasing the delivery of environmental and sustainability education across curriculum, campus and community outreach programmes.
DN Colleges Group comprises of North Lindsey College, the University Campus North Lincolnshire (UCNL) and Doncaster College and University Centre, have launched a Sustainability Agenda focusing on improving the Group’s environmental footprint.
Gonzalo Munoz (High Level COP26 Champion Chile) said: “It is important for education and institutions to increase the delivery of environmental and sustainability education across curriculum, campus and community outreach programmes, influencing the mind of future leaders who come through the doors and ensuring we are building minds and hearts that we need for a net zero future. Education and institutions can commit their own operations to net zero, they have the platform to demonstrate leadership through initiatives like the global climate letter to show all of societies behind the transition we need to make, there is a need for academic institutions to move towards green infrastructure, energy and also finance.”
This will be shared with key government officials and the media in advance of COP26 (2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference) and now is part of Race to Zero it has been signed by close to 300 networks representing 17,000 institutions and 4.5 million students.
Peter Doherty, Chief Operating Officer and Chair of the DN College’s Sustainability Group said: “DN Colleges Group recognises its responsibility to help address the global challenges presented by climate change and ecological destruction. We are positively engaging with staff, students and the community in developing the College’s sustainability agenda and initiatives to embed climate responsibility. By signing the Global Climate Letter we are pledging our commitment to respond to the climate crisis and work towards a net zero carbon position.”
Nigel Topping (UK High Level Climate Champion for COP260) quotes: “This is not about 2050 it’s about today!”
By joining the Race to Zero, DN College Group will help demonstrate both the higher and further education sector’s commitment to the net zero agenda as well as your institution’s leadership on a global level at COP26 in November 2021.
There are over 25,000 universities and numerous colleges across the world, together we make a huge impact and can be a force for change.