Posted: February 16, 2021

North Lindsey College students’ parliament saw the Scunthorpe College receive positive feedback from across all curriculum areas.
As part of the College’s remit to engage and support students, a parliament was held online to give them the opportunity to join an open forum to discuss their College experience.
The overwhelming feedback received during the session was positive, with attendees outlining that they felt tutors has been “really helpful” and offered vital support online. With many raising that they felt thankful the College had supplied laptops and access to the internet for those students who are unable to access this at home.
“It is really important to engage with our students and to get their feedback, especially in these challenging times with online learning becoming a vital tool for our students,” says Student Engagement Officer Sophie Hibbert.
“Gaining their feedback means we can find ways to fit the needs of our students to offer them the support needed to succeed. As well as students giving feedback on things that they think could be adjusted it is really nice to hear how our students feel so supported by the College during the current times and how much they appreciate the work of our staff.”
Feedback included statements such as: “I would like to thank all my tutors in Performing Arts,” “thank you to my English teacher she is amazing”, “all my IT tutors are amazing” and “Animal Management tutors have been very helpful in preparing us and there has been a lot of extra effort and a lot of material for us to get ready”.
The College started to adapt to blended learning this time last year as soon as the pandemic hit, delivering sessions via Microsoft Teams and ensuring students were able to access the support they needed.
In addition to this the College also quickly adapted to virtual open events, to enable those new students considering applying to the College could get to know them before starting in September.
Feedback from the Student Parliament was shared with all College staff at the request of the students attending the Parliament session.
Sophie adds, “in the current times our students thought that it is worthwhile to share this positive feedback with our staff as they know it has been a challenging few months for many of us.”