Posted: November 3, 2020

North Lindsey College Sport and Uniformed Services welcomed a team from the Army to introduce students to the many career destinations available to them when they leave College.
he Army boasts over 200 careers and a team of representatives shared their experiences with the group of Sport and Uniformed Services students who may be considering a career in the Armed Forces in the future.
Staff Sargent Mike commented, “This is only the third face-to-face event we have held this year and it has been great to be able to interact with the students and discuss the opportunities to them including the seven career streams, the bursary, soldier route and the officer route. If we capture the interest of just one student, it makes it worthwhile.”
Students got involved in a team activity and also received information of the many career options available in the Armed Forces, this included the various jobs and apprenticeship opportunities in a range of trades and skills that fit around military training as well as becoming a soldier in the British Army. The staff from a variety of cap badges spoke about the various roles and responsibilities they have been involved in including peace-keeping responsibilities, building infrastructure, supporting flood work, Olympics and also helping with Covid testing.
“It was important to invite the Army to visit the College this early on in first term, as some students are not sure which uniform service they would like to join. They give an updated insight into the careers they offer, after the careers briefing, they completed four different team tasks, with the opportunity to talk the soldiers on a one to one basis.” said Gregor Maxwell (Sport and Uniformed Services tutor).
Student Jade Emerson (Level 3 Uniformed Services student) was keen to hear what the representatives had to say and commented, “I’ve really enjoyed the session it’s been really good. The talk was really good and has really helped me learn a lot more about what Army life is about and gave me a good insight. It has confirmed for me that I really do want to join the Army as an Ammunition Technician when I finish my studies at North Lindsey College.”