Posted: August 26, 2020

The TASS Dual Career Accreditation Scheme recognises an education institution’s commitment to dual career support for talented athletes who are in full-time education. The Sports team at North Lindsey College have worked with a variety of talented athletes, supporting them to balance their academic commitments with their training needs to support them to achieve their sporting goals.
Ian Hamilton (Curriculum Leader of Sport and Uniformed Services and Performing Arts) said, “It’s great that the College has been successful in gaining TASS status. The dual career accreditation scheme recognises our commitment to support those talented athletes studying at North Lindsey College.”
Ian continued, “The Dual Career Accreditation Scheme acknowledges our flexibility within our curriculum to allow our talented athletes to train and compete without this having a negative effect on their academic studies. Being part of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme allows us to meet the needs of our talented athletes and help them flourish within their chosen field. In the past we have supported talented students such as Gemma Richardson who is currently part of the team GB development Boxing squad.”
Gemma commented, “Part of my boxing meant I had to have a fair bit of time in camps and competitions away from my studies, but the college did everything they could to help me. They let me come in for extra when needed, gave me the time off for my training commitments but also gave me work to help me keep on track. The staff were always on the end of the phone or email when I was stuck, this allowed me to follow my boxing career path alongside pass all my qualifications. I am now a full-time boxer with Team GB.”