Posted: July 8, 2020

DN Colleges Group Voted 2020 Whatuni? Student Choice Award for ‘Further Education’ for the Second Year Running
DN Colleges Group have retained their title for the second year running as the winners of the 2020 Whatuni? Student Choice Award for the ‘Further Education’ category.
The Whatuni Awards were delayed this year due to Covid-19, however this didn’t stop students nominating their institution for various awards. This award recognises the success of higher education at University Campus North Lincolnshire (UCNL) and University Centre Doncaster, both of whom are part of the DN Colleges Group along with North Lindsey College and Doncaster College.
Steven Johnstone (Director of Higher Education at the UCNL) said: “This is an amazing acknowledgement for all our staff teams and retaining the award really demonstrates the consistent levels of quality and support we offer to all our students and the appreciation they have towards their tutors. While the nominations and shortlisting took place before lockdown, this news is extra special, given how incredibly hard the staff teams have worked to support our students over these challenging months. Congratulations to all other providers who were shortlisted for this award, we know that they too will have gone above and beyond to help their students achieve.”
Now in its seventh year, the Whatuni? Student Choice Awards’ main categories are compiled entirely from student reviews. The reviews are a combination of electronic and physically collected reviews by the Whatuni team. The reviews-based categories included: University of the Year, Accommodation, Courses and Lecturers, International, Job prospects, Local Life, Postgraduate, Societies and Sports, Student Support, Students’ Union, University Facilities, FE College and Independent HE.
Wendy Hewson, now a former UCNL student who has recently completed her BA (Hons) in Children, Learning and Development said, “I am so pleased that UCNL have been recognised for their excellent provision and have won the Whatuni award again.
It is brilliant to see the local university being acknowledged for the hard work they continuously offer to all of their students. I was apprehensive about starting my degree but having the opportunity to access good quality learning and teaching and gain a degree without having to travel made it much easier for me alongside work and family commitments. I have now achieved a first-class BA honours degree and cannot wait to celebrate with staff and students who helped me accomplish this! Well deserved win for UCNL and University Centre Doncaster.”
The announcement came in a very different format to previous years which usually incorporates a sit-down meal at a swanky hotel location in London. The event moved to an all virtual event in place of the postponed physical ceremony, this was hosted by TV presenter Claudia Winkleman who announced the deserving winners.
To find out more about the higher education provision available at University Campus North Lincolnshire (UCNL) in Scunthorpe and University Centre Doncaster please visit the respective websites for more information at and