Posted: November 28, 2019

North Lindsey College is one of a group of Colleges across the UK selected to pilot T Levels across specific pathways. Students enrolled on these programmes in 2021 will be required to carry out a minimum of 315 hours (45 days) of industry placement, the Scunthorpe College have introduced robust work experience support this year to enable their students to undertake this number two years ahead of schedule.
Jack Staves (16) a Level 3 Built Environment student applied for his current programme as it includes the industry placement element. Jack was keen to progress in this direction from the beginning of his course and expressed an interest in working for Clugston Construction.
“I was very lucky to have the opportunity to do my work experience for my course at Clugston Construction in Scunthorpe.” said Jack. “Since my time here I have learnt loads about life on and off site in the construction industry. I have been able to relate things to my college work and recognise things and procedures on site from what I have been doing at college. This has helped me develop a better understanding of these procedures. I have also had the opportunity to travel the country with Clugston and have seen work on one of their largest construction sites in Avonmouth, Wales.
“At first I was with the health and safety team and there I learnt how the team have developed Clugstons into the safe company it is today. I went to numerous sites with the health and safety team and I really enjoyed my time with them. I really like the thought of being a surveyor of some sort, so being with the team here is a great experience for me, I have learnt the basics of CAD, a software used by all surveyors and I have produced a floor plan of a building of a previous job with the help of the staff there. Overall it’s been a great experience and I’m looking forward to continuing my time with Clugtons.”
Grace Martin (Group Business Management Systems Coordinator, Clugston Construction) is overseeing Jack’s activities and has assembled a comprehensive training package for him, taking him to different sites. Grace said, “During Jack’s first few weeks of his Work Experience, he has accompanied myself to various sites carrying our Quality Inspections and has shadowed a couple of our Health and Safety Advisers, learning about Clugston’s safe systems of work and how important it is to champion excellent Health and Safety on all of our sites.
I have been impressed with how keen Jack is to learn more about the construction industry. He has demonstrated his ability to listen and engage with site teams and participate in practical conversations with our Technical Director. It’s great to work alongside a young person who is so eager and it is clear if Jack’s enthusiasm and passion continues, he will have a very successful career in the construction industry.”
Steve Gosling said, “I feel that Clugston Construction have been exemplary in providing this crucial experience for Jack and this is a valuable contribution to the local community and the construction industry looking to the future and Government goals.”
“This is a fantastic opportunity for Jack, he has demonstrated some great work already. North Lindsey College will become a provider for T Level Qualifications in 2021 and Construction is a pathway that has been selected for us to deliver. Having local businesses such as Clugston Construction on board to support our construction students is incredible,” said Hasina Kamali (Work Placement Team Leader).
North Lindsey College’s Work Experience team arrange all placements for students and will oversee all industry placements in 2021 when the new T Levels are introduced at the College.
If your business would like to get involved with the new T Level delivery, you are encouraged to contact Hasina Kamali to see if you meet the requirements, via