Posted: April 4, 2019

It connects the assets of DN Colleges Group, 360 Degree Media, employers and other stakeholders in re-defining provision of high-level technical qualifications. The capital investment in space and equipment will catalyse cross-sectoral partnerships, and innovative curriculum, to underpin provision of a productive, highly skilled workforce required by SCR Strategic Economic Plan. The partnership will build on the core ‘foundation industries’ identified in the SEP, specifically:
Creative Digital Industries
The Training Academy will build on capability at DN Colleges Group, and other providers to significantly expand Creative Digital learners by 2023. The Partnership will work with employers to develop new curriculum opportunities (at levels 3 to 7), supported by a significant investment in cutting edge equipment located in at sites in Doncaster College and 360 Media Campus.
The Training Academy will actively address the known skills requirements of the SCR through the development of:
Employer-led curriculum design underpinned by application and adoption of digital capabilities.
New provision and expanded learner access at Levels 3-7 across core sectors with a focus on hard and soft digital skills.
Collaborative working with 360 Degrees Media .
Complementary working with education partners from across SCR for learners from level 3-7.
SCR teaching capacity and in-company trainers to deliver digital first curriculum.
You can download a copy of the Strategic Business Case here.
SCR VFX Training Strategic Business Case
If you have any feedback or questions about the scheme please get in touch with