Posted: November 27, 2018

Over 300 students participated in a colour run for a Freshers’ celebration at North Lindsey College.
Activities have been taking place all week to welcome new and returning student’s to
North Lindsey College as they start their new programmes of study. Fresher’s
events have been happening all over the country and North Lindsey College is no
exception. The event encouraged staff and students to participate and meet all the
new and existing students and show them the fun side of learning at North Lindsey
The highlight of the week included a colour run. Over 300 students and tutors
participated from all curriculum areas across the campus including engineering,
health and social care, animal management, sport and uniformed services and
Kate McDonald (Associate Director – Technical and Professional), "What a fantastic
way to celebrate the end of Freshers’ week! It was overwhelming to see so many of
our students taking part with their tutors, sharing the experience in such a vibrant
and fun environment. The whole week was great to showcase what being a student
at North Lindsey College is all about. The feedback from our students has been
phenomenally positive so long may this feedback continue into their studies
throughout the year.”
Megan Martin (Level 3 Animal Management student) participated in the colour run
and said, “It was amazing! We got the chance to bond with all of our course friends
and it was the first social thing we have had the chance to do together. Everyone
definitely enjoyed it and I would love to do it again.”
Students also had the opportunity to visit exhibition stands and find out about many
businesses and services in the area that are available to them including driving
lessons, health organisations, careers guidance and agencies supporting the
community. Students were also offered fantastic discounts and valuable information
helping them with their studies, career paths and personal wellbeing.