Posted: November 27, 2018

The University Centre at North Lindsey College is about to open its doors for September 2018 enrolments with an exciting new programme on offer!
The University Centre has an excellent reputation, established over 28 years and
continues to grow. September 2017 saw 1100 students on part-time and full-time
programmes at HNC, HND and Degree level in a range of subjects in business and
management, construction, computing, counselling, education, English and history,
engineering, health and social care, science, social sciences and sport.
The new provision for September 2018 is the foundation degree, FdA Children,
Learning and Development Special Educational Needs and Disabilities pathway. A
full time student would spend two days a week in a relevant placement and one day
a week at the University Centre. This programme will focus on developing practical,
professional and intellectual skills to prepare for a future in family liaison, inclusion
support, teaching assistance, mentoring, adult education, and careers services.
Jade Courtney, a former student who studied on the FdA Children, Learning and
Development programme at the University Centre before progressing onto the BA
(Hons) Children, Learning Development degree, graduated with a first class honours
degree. Jade has progressed onto the North Lincolnshire initial teacher training
SCITT Programme where she will be taking a Post Graduate Certificate in Education
(PGCE) alongside the SCITT to further enhance her qualifications.
Jade spoke of her experience at The University Centre, North Lindsey College and
said, “The courses were very varied and provided a range of opportunities to develop
myself as an individual and a professional. The BA in particular was very thought
provoking, challenging us to explore pedagogy and education in different ways to
expand our knowledge and awareness. The tutors were incredibly supportive
throughout both courses and without their encouragement, I would not have had the
confidence to push myself and succeed or take the steps to becoming a Teacher.”
There is still time to apply for a higher education programme at The University
Centre, North Lindsey College.
For any further information about any of the programmes offered contact The
University Centre Advice and Information Office on 01724 294125 or email