Posted: November 27, 2018

North Lindsey College will be opening its doors to the general public for its first annual open event on Thursday 18 th October 2018, 4.30pm-7.30pm.
Prospective students of all ages are encouraged to visit the event and to see the
variety of routes into industry that are available at their local college.
Every year hundreds of people, including school leavers and those returning to
education attend the open event to discuss their options, make an early application
and start their journey with the college.
The entire campus is open, with curriculum areas showcasing their facilities to the
full, supported by current students and staff who are on hand to talk to.
The college always aims to offer innovative experiences to visitors, with the night’s
programme including seasonal Halloween crafts in childcare, creating an image in
hairdressing and beauty therapy, flambéing in catering, steel dragon cutting in
engineering, dissection in biology, the care training room in health and social care,
alumni hosting talks in the travel department with former students sharing their
experiences in the industry.
The college Careers team will be available on the night to speak to the public to offer
advice about your next steps.
“This is an Ideal opportunity to find out for yourself what North Lindsey College has
to offer,” says Trish Riordan, Careers Adviser at North Lindsey College. “The public
will be impressed with the investments made to our campus, coupled with our
enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable staff and students.”
In addition to further education, North Lindsey College is also home to Scunthorpe’s
University Centre. These facilities will also be open to those wanting to find out about
degrees, foundation degrees and higher national diplomas across a wide range of
programme areas.
Kingsway Fitness Suite, the college's onsite gym, will also be open for any enquiries
as well as the Kingsway Children’s Centre for any nursery enquiries.
Whatever your needs, age, or level; North Lindsey can help with that learner journey,
offering something for everyone!