Posted: November 27, 2018

North Lindsey College was proud sponsors of the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust (NLAG) preceptorship awards.
For the second year running, the College has been keen sponsors at the event
which celebrates the period of preceptorship for the newly qualified nurses. It also
develops the confidence to practise competently as a nurse, midwife or specialist
community health nurse.
Tara Filby (Chief Nurse) commented, “I am absolutely thrilled with what our nurses
and allied health professionals have achieved over the last year. This celebration
event was the culmination of months of hard work by our staff who have completed
their preceptorship. I am proud of each and every one of them. This is the start of
their professional journey and I look forward to seeing how they continue to progress
in their chosen career.
“Thank you to North Lindsey College for working in partnership with us and
supporting our learners.”
Nicola Roberts (44) has been a District Nurse for 21 years and has been mentoring
others. Nicola won an award for being an outstanding mentor at the event and said,
“It is a privilege to mentor these newly qualified nurses who are passionate and keen
to support them. It’s an honour to be part of their journey and support their
development in their role and become confident and competent in their role.”
Jill Cooper (Director – Business Development and Apprenticeships) spoke on behalf
of the College and stated, “North Lindsey was delighted to sponsor the Trust’s
preceptorship awards for the second consecutive year. Recognising staff for their
work supporting and mentoring colleagues within the Trust, as well as staff
completing their first year in post. This is a really positive way for the Trust to
demonstrate its ongoing commitment to staff development and progression. Well
done to the staff on receiving their awards and we were delighted to be a part of the