Posted: September 14, 2018

Engineering students at North Lindsey College have taken delivery of a historical locomotive in a bid to restore it to its former glory.
The College is playing a huge part in a drive to return the Simplex Mechanical
Locomotive to the Crowle Moors and create a physical link to historical peat working.
Engineering students will be working on the project as part of their course and be
part of the project.
The restoration project is a working with interested parties including the Engineering
UTC Northern Lincolnshire who will be creating a replica of the carriages and North
Lindsey College who have the main traction unit, which will be restored to its former
glory including a new engine.
Melvyn Bailey (Chairman of the Crowle, Peatland and Railway Society) said, “This
project started around four years ago when the loco was going to scrap. We have
been in negotiation in a view to renovate it and two years ago we finally got it
formally signed over and the responsibility to get it up and running.
“It’s been a great opportunity for the society to work with North Lindsey College on
such an important project; this particular locomotive was used on the moor as one of
the workhorses.”
Emma Carter, (North Lindsey College Level 2 Engineering student, will be working
on the project and said, “I am really excited about this and can’t wait to start taking it
apart and putting it back together again. I will enjoy looking at the mechanisms and
how they work and how they differ from today’s modern engineering techniques.”
For further details contact Emma Doyle in the Marketing Team on 01724 709309.