Posted: September 14, 2018

North Lindsey College maths tutor is leading by example after voluntarily entering
himself for the GCSE maths exam, picking up a grade 9 result today.
Adrian Streather (Mathematics lecturer at North Lindsey College) put his
professional reputation on the line when he sat his GSCE maths but certainly led by
example when he picked up his results; putting him in the top 2% in the country.
Adrian wanted to re-sit due to the Government changes, top see how they impacted
on the exam and conditions and also put himself in the same position as his
students. “A good teacher needs to lead by example and I have demonstrated that it
can be done,” says Adrian. “I suffered the same anxiety as anyone in exam
conditions and this will help me be a better teacher as I know what is expected of
them. I am exceptionally pleased with my result although I do feel the exam has
become more difficult.”
The college welcomed students into college today to pick up their GCSEs with
transformational results for many, including Patrick Wietrak (18) who achieved a
grade 7 in GCSE maths after only moving to the UK 3 years ago. The exam was his
first attempt, “I feel relieved that I got this grade and I did better than expected. I can
now continue on the computer science course at North Lindsey and I am planning to
go to university when I finish to study games programming.”
Danielle Herbert (26) received a grade 5 in English as well studying Fda (Early
Childhood) University course alongside. Danielle previously achieved a grade 3 and
could not get the higher grade she was required until now.
Upon enrolling at the college, it was discovered that Danielle was dyslexic and due
to the right support she was able to succeed. Danielle said, “my result is a weight off
my shoulders. I really felt that I would not be able to progress without it. I was going
to keep going until I received the result I wanted and now I have gone above and
beyond. This will now open more doors for me and that barrier that was once there
is no more.”
Isaac Doyle (17) is heading for a career in the Navy after completing his second year
on the Level 3 Diploma in Uniformed Services. He said, “The tutor did everything he
could to help. I am really pleased I have got this and can now focus on my career.”
Amana Bond (47) picked up a GCSE grade 6 in Biology today which meant she can
now carry on with her journey to teach. Amanda shared her success today with her
son who also got the same grade at school. Amanda has previously completed the
degree in Early Childhood at The University Centre in Scunthorpe and needed the
result to get onto the (SCITT) School Centered Initial Teacher Training course.